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IT NonStop 2021

IT NonStop 2021
Typ wydarzenia:
18.11.2021 (czwartek) - 20.11.2021 (sobota)

Since 2014, DataArt has been holding an international IT NonStop conference, which brings together novice and experienced engineers, programmers, managers, and experts in the field of business development. IT NonStop keeps pace with cutting-edge technologies, market and domain trends, and other IT solutions that drive changes in the modern world. Every year, we present numerous formats such as speeches, workshops, discussion panels, and others to deliver information in the most comprehensible way to our audience.

IT NonStop 2021 will run for 3 days: November 18–20.

The main topics of the conference this year are Cloud, Data, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence.

The working language of IT NonStop is English. However, sections aimed at novice specialists will be conducted mostly in Russian. IT NonStop 2021 is free of charge. The program of one of the days consists entirely of workshops and introductory lectures for beginner IT specialists.

Call for Speakers is open till September 15. Apply to speak at IT NonStop Conference!

Register to the Conference. It’s free of charge.

At the same time, our mission is not limited to the dissemination of relevant IT knowledge. We believe the industry is indebted to the pioneers of programming and computer engineering. Thanks to their work, information technology plays a vital role in modern society.

Therefore, under IT NonStop 2021, we are developing an educational project dedicated to the Small Electronic Counting Machine (MESM) - one of the first computers in Europe. It was designed in Kiev in the early 1950s. Already in 1951, MESM was used in the space program. And in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Machine, we organized a crowdfunding campaign to create an online project, where we will collect all available materials about this computer.

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