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I/O Extended 2019 Lodz

I/O Extended 2019 Lodz
Typ wydarzenia:
07.05.2019 (wtorek)
polski , angielski
Mobica Limited Biuro w Łodzi
Wólczańska 178
  • 18:00 - 18:10 Introduction and time for sponsor
  • 18:10 - 18:40 Android Architecture Components under the hood
  • 18:40 - 19:00 Break
  • 19:00 - 20: 40 Learn about the latest product and platform innovations at Google in a Keynote
  • 20:40 - Networking

The Google organize the Google I/O conference, where news are announced. These news, are an introduction plan, what they have already developing and releasing.

Thanks to the Google I/O Extended, we as a group can participate in the conference remotely.

I would like to invite you to meet together and watch the keynote provided by Google.

Before the Google keynote, There will be short presentation about how Architecture Components was implemented.

The Mobica is a local sponsor of this event, gives us a conference room, and will serve something to drink, to eat to make the time pass more pleasantly for us.

If you want to get more info: https://events.google.com/io

If you want to get more about Mobica: https://www.mobica.com

More details about presentation:

  • autors: Andrzej Jozwiak, Aliaksandr Zhukovich
  • description:

"As Android developers, we face many challenges like handling life-cycle events, persisting data, maintaining view state, etc. Our constant struggle for a good architecture was not left unnoticed, Google stepped up and gave us their own take on the topic in the form of Architecture Components.

The APIs look nice, although very new they seem quite polished, but how do they work under the hood? Has Google introduced some magic or could those architectural goodies be created by any of us?

During this talk, we will explore how LiveData, ViewModel, Lifecycle and Room are working inside and what tricks were used to create them. Can knowing those tricks help us with working effectively with those tools, join us and find out!"

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