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How To Identify a Viable Business Idea (Online)

How To Identify a Viable Business Idea (Online)
Typ wydarzenia:
11.01.2023 (środa)

Do you want to start a startup? Great! But how do you know your idea is viable? How do you know that there's a market for your product or service? And how do you know that customers will actually buy what you're selling? These are some of the questions that startup experts ask before launching their venture. This interactive workshop will teach you the process to identify and validate a viable business idea, and allow you to share your ideas with others for feedback.​​

This event is part of OpenToStart, a free online bootcamp to help anyone that is open to starting a company in 2023 get the connections and feedback needed to make the right decision. Learn more at FI.co/open.

Who Should Attend?

  • Anyone who is launching or thinking about launching a startup
  • Anyone interested in how to validate a startup idea

What is the Agenda?

  • Detailed presentation walking you through the startup validation process and methodology
  • Q&A
  • Open networking with other attendees to discuss and share ideas

What will you Accomplish?

  • Understand the right criteria to identify a viable startup idea
  • Learn how to do customer development and validate your startup idea
  • Meet startup enthusiasts from around the world

This is an interactive, live online event. To access the event, RSVP at https://fi.co/startupwebinar/15996

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