Google Day 2022
4:30 PM
Ewa Gruszka – How to understand what ALL our customer say?
Ewa will analyze comments left in a booking app. Customers describe places they have visited, and we – as the website admins, that is an intermediary between people providing apartments and the customers, care about the quality of our service. We are going to use NLU to analyze what our customers say, and take certain actions. We will show how to build such NLU model on GCP – without single line of code – and how to get insight into data, followed by triggering action in Looker.
5:00 PM
Artur Kuliński – Security and/or flexibility – how not to shoot yourself in the foot
Artur will talk about various decisions made by GCP customers in the area of security, and the not always foreseen consequences of such actions. He’ll be happy to discuss various cases in Q&A section or later in the networking/happy hour time as well
5:30 PM
Radosław Stankiewicz – Breaking stormy monoliths – from bad design to cloud native
“This stateful processing is hard” is what I heard from the customer who wanted to migrate their antifraud system running on Storm. The problem was that the customer was using 1 large executor, maintained state on one JVM and had a self developed LRU cache implemented. Easy lift & shift won’t work here. During the talk I will go through the journey.