DataMass Gdańsk Summit 2023
04.10.2023 - WORKSHOP DAY
9.00 - 17.00 - Build reliable data pipelines using Modern Data Stack in the cloud - Michał Soszko, Andrzej Swatowski
9.00 - 17.00 - Generative AI on Google Cloud Platform (MLOps) - Michał Bryś, Marek Wiewiórka
19.00 - 23.00 - EVENING MEETING - VIDOKOVA Restaurant, Wladyslawa Bartoszewskiego 1 square, 80-862 Gdansk
05.10.2023 - CONFERENCE DAY
8.15 - 9.00 - Registration of participants and morning coffee
9.00 - 9.10 - Opening
9.10 - 9.35 - Advancing education with responsible AI MultiCloud - Kacper Łodzikowski
9.35 - 10.00 - Tracking all ships in the world - sea of opportunities Azure - Marek Skolimowski
10.00 - 10.25 - The topic of the presentation will be announced soon
10.25 - 10.50 - COFFEE BREAK
10.50 - 11.15 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Document Intelligence in Modern Organization: Company data AI Assistant MultiCloud - Kamil Gościmiński
10.50 - 11.15 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - From Warehouse Walls to Open Waters: eMAG's Data Lake Evolution. - Marius-Mihai Grumazescu, Michał Gutowski
11.20 - 11.45 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Fast and Scalable Machine Learning Model Deployment MultiCloud - Vikramjit Sidhu
11.20 - 11.45 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - AI products: faster path from being right to being loved AWS - Dainius Kniuksta
11.50 - 12.15 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - Foundation models and MLOps - Maciej Durzewski
12.20 - 12.45 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Unveiling the Mind: A.I. Decodes Words Directly from Brain Scans Azure - Lilianna Czaniecka
12.20 - 12.45 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - Data Science meets engineering - the story of the MLOps platform that makes you productive, everywhere! MultiCloud - Marek Wiewiórka
12.50 - 13.15 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Recommender systems: a modern approach AWS - Jakub Nowacki
13.15 - 14.00 - LUNCH
14.00 - 14.25 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Replacing the Data Platform during hyper-growth AWS - Paweł Kupidura
14.00 - 14.25 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - Improving Psychotherapy through Data: Motivational Interviewing (MI) Optimization via NLP MultiCloud - Amit Spinrad
14.30 - 14.55 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Event Driven Data Mesh AWS - Tomasz Belina, Michal Szeja, Piotr Forowicz, Jaroslaw Wacholski
14.30 - 14.55 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - Dataset enrichment using LLM's MultiCloud - Jeroen Overschie
15.00 - 15.25 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - The topic of the presentation will be announced soon Google Cloud - Stanislaw Magierski
15.00 - 15.25 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - Why is it important to have analytics performed by business users and how to enable them? MultiCloud - Dawid Rasala
15.25 - 15.50 - COFFEE BREAK
15.50 - 16.15 - PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Data Lineage, Data Catalog and Data Quality, as part of Data Governance Universe MultiCloud - Piotr Pietrzyk
15.50 - 16.15 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - Training Foundation Models for Predicting Customer Behavior MultiCloud - Barbara Rychalska, Dominika Basaj
16.20 - 16.45- PARALLEL SESSION 1 - Using cloud data model to create control groups for Alexa users (at scale) AWS - Maciej Chmielarz
16.20 - 16.45 - PARALLEL SESSION 2 - ML at Scale. How to productionize and operationalize hundreds of ML solutions in a simple and reliable way? AWS - Tomasz Deręgowski
16.45 - 17.05 - COFFEE BREAK
17.05 - 17.30 - Data analysis in Volkswagen Group Polska. Specific challenges and solutions in automotive industry AWS - Michał Tanaś
17.30 - 17.45 - Summary and closing the meeting
9.30 - 11.30 - Workshop Devoteam