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Co-Founders Connect: Find a Business Partner Online

Co-Founders Connect: Find a Business Partner Online
Typ wydarzenia:
12.04.2023 (środa)

Building a great Co-Founder team is one of the most difficult yet important steps in founding a startup. While many founders may start alone, there are multiple benefits of having a Co-Founder, and taking the time to establish a quality team can mean the difference between failure and success. Join us for this fun and interactive event where you will learn best practices for building and formalizing a Co-Founder relationship. In addition, you will have the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs who are looking for a Co-Founder at virtual tables and speed networking sessions.

What Will You Accomplish:

You will learn the best practices for finding the right Co-Founder

You will meet startup enthusiasts and experts from around the world

You will shortlist potential Co-Founders

Featured Experts:

Jonathan Greechan - CEO & Co-Founder at FI: Jonathan Greechan is the Co-Founder & CEO of the Founder Institute (http://fi.co), the world's largest pre-seed startup accelerator. Since 2009, he has grown and scaled the organization to chapters in over 200 cities and 95 countries, which have produced over 6500 portfolio companies with nearly $2 billion in venture funding. In his long career in tech and marketing. Jonathan has advised thousands of startups on marketing, growth, and product strategy, and has spoken at startup conferences on four continents.

To get the most out of this Co-Founder networking event:

Come ready for live video networking

Prepare by visiting our Guide to Find a Co-Founder

Fill out our Co-Founder Networking Worksheet

To access all of the networking features of this event, please join using Chrome or Firefox from a desktop or tablet, or download the Airmeet Mobile App.

This is an interactive, live online event. To access the event, RSVP at https://fi.co/startupwebinar/16179

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