Blockchain Dev Warsaw #6
- 18:00 Beer & Networking
- 18:30 Bridging yesterday with tomorrow - Przemysław Kowalczyk
What is the right way to connect banking infrastructure with distributed ledgers? We will explore how open banking APIs could allow bridging banking infrastructure with systems based on blockchain. We'll dive into problems of privacy, trust and technical challenges and how we can solve them.
Przemek Kowalczyk is a co-founder of Supozu Solutions, a company building a p2p crypto-fiat exchange protocol. Previously he co-authored a proposal for a decentralized p2p lending network. He has hands-on experience applying machine learning to problems related to global supply chain. Przemek is privately interested in econophysics research.
Praktyczna wiedza na temat blockchainu. Żadnych marketingowych prezentacji. Dla developerów od developerów. Jeśli nie jesteś developerem, też przychodź, ale nie zdziw się, jeśli będzie zbyt technicznie.