Blockchain Dev Warsaw #4
- Cheap Ethereum identities with no upfront gas cost by Neufund!
If you build mass market platform for Ethereum your biggest problem is gas and representing your users on blockchain. Ethereum gas prices can rise or drop 100x in a single day and can reach extreme values. For mass market platform upfront and unpredictable cost of user acquisition may be lethal. However having your users represented by identity smart contract has many advantages. This however require upfront smart contract deployment where gas costs are on the user (which does not have it) or on the platform (that can be DDOSed into bakruptcy)
I'll show how to deploy simple identity forwarding contracts with deterministic addressing. I'll focus on EVM assembly, contract deployment, calls forwarding and handling problems with return data in EVM. It's a sneak peak into Neufund platform development so I'll show how we solve particular problems, do not expect yellow-paper style scientific presentation!
- Case Study Chat na Ethereum, opowieść od strony dev
prezenter: Łukasz Grynasz!
Trufle, Solidity, Angular, C# , Web3js, Metamask
Praktyczna wiedza na temat blockchainu. Żadnych marketingowych prezentacji. Dla developerów od developerów. Jeśli nie jesteś developerem, też przychodź, ale nie zdziw się, jeśli będzie zbyt technicznie.