AWS User Group Poland - Silesia 1/2023
- 17:00 - MLOps in Action - Olgierd Grodzki
- 17:30 - Q&A
- 17:45 - Networking
- 18:30 - ? - ?
- 19:00 - Q&A
- 19:15 - Zakończenie, after party
Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie AWS User Group Poland - Silesia w formie offline! Spotkanie odbędzie się 2 lutego o godzinie 17:00. Miejsce wydarzenia podamy w późniejszym terminie. Spotykamy się wyłącznie w "tradycyjnej" formie. Nie będziemy prowadzić transmisji wideo wydarzenia.
Agenda wydarzenia:
Opisy prelekcji:
MLOps in Action
In this session, you’ll learn first-hand the journey we undertook with one of our clients to bring custom machine learning models to production. We’ll talk about MLOps concepts and why they’re important when deploying ML applications in production. Based on real-life challenges, solutions, and results, we’ll highlight how MLOps helped us build a service now used by a number of internal users and integrated applications at the customer. We’ll also explain how to reuse this approach for different machine-learning-based use cases. By presenting our solution and sharing our experiences, we hope we can help anyone involved in other machine learning projects to avoid the ‘PoC trap’ and successfully go to production.
Opisy prelegenów:
Olgierd Grodzki
Olgierd Grodzki has more than 6 years of experience in Big Data and Data Science projects using mainly open source technologies, covering many different areas such as DevOps, Cloud Infrastructure, Real-time Streaming applications & data processing as well as ML Engineering and MLOps. He has recently focused on the effective deployment and scalability of ML Applications on AWS, functioning as an Architect and Lead Developer. Most recently, he's also responsible for the Data Business Unit of Reply Polska.