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Android Tech Talks #31

Android Tech Talks #31
Typ wydarzenia:
09.07.2020 (czwartek)
polski , angielski

Hi geeks,

Let's meet again. Amazing presentations, lightning talks, a fridge full of your favorite beverage and snacks. Sounds awesome, right?

Bartłomiej Kierys | Mobile Software Engineer @ Qualtrics

I have been a programmer for seven years. I spent most of my career creating mobile applications. I started with native (Android) projects, but I'm currently writing mainly in React Native. I work at Qualtrics, where I am a member of a team creating a mobile application in this technology.

In my opinion, software should be always prepared with the user in mind. I also love when what I create looks good. For these reasons I deal with UX Design as a hobby and even if I am not a specialist in this field, I am always looking for the opportunity to share my passion.

*Title:* Designing a mobile application with a user in mind - UX Design from a programmer's perspective.

The world of smartphones changed users' habits and expectations. Nowadays, the application that does the right thing is not enough. It should be also user-friendly and easy-to-use on the small screen. UX Designers or graphic designers are employed in many companies to design the user interface. But developers also play a significant role in how the mobile application will ultimately look. Even the most beautiful piece of software can be uninstalled immediately if it loads data for 30 seconds.

During the lecture, I will try to briefly explain the difficulties of designing the mobile app. I will also mention a few things that you should pay attention to when implementing the screens prepared by the designer.

Miłosz Lewandowski | Senior Android Developer @ Miquido

Android developer interested in delivering well-thought solutions and amazing user experience. Currently working for Miquido on the self-service app for one of the biggest polish telcos. In the free time watching tons of arthouse movies.

*Title:* Annotation processing - where we are and where we want to be?

Annotation processors are powerful tools that can greatly help us in creating our application. However, they come with some hidden but significant drawbacks. In this presentation, I will share the results of my various adventures with annotation processors from the last half a year.

See you there!

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