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Agile Dojo Szczecin #11: Sprint Goals from the trenches

Agile Dojo Szczecin #11: Sprint Goals from the trenches
Typ wydarzenia:
09.06.2020 (wtorek)

Sprint Goals from the trenches

A hands-on session to help bridge the gap between theory and practice, by a Product Owner who leverages Sprint Goals to deliver more value.


It was a while, but we are back on track with an online meetup. What may be important to mention, this time we will run meetup in English.

Our guest will be Maarten Dalmijn, who is a Senior Product Owner (https://www.linkedin.com/in/maarten-dalmijn/). Alongside that professional role in work, Maarten is an active write on Medium, mostly for Serious Scrum group. His articles are really thought-provoking, just take a look at some, here you will find a list: https://medium.com/@mdalmijn

We hope that during this meetup you will learn something new about Sprint Goals and how to use or enhance them, and at least, in the end, you will be inspired to try something new :)

This event will suit best you if you already have some first-hand experience of using Sprint Goals, regardless if you are Product Owner, Scrum Master, or member of a Development Team - your point of view matters. But if you are new to this topic, you are welcome too!

=== How the workshop will be facilitated ===

- This 2,5-hour virtual workshop will be hosted via Zoom. A tool for virtual collaboration.

- Zoom has the feature of 'breakout rooms'. This allows you to have conversations in small groups & larger groups.

- You will experience 2 - 3 Liberating Structures during the meetup. These will be used to gather ideas, bring engagement, and foster collaboration during this online event.

=== How to prepare ===

- Install Zoom on your computer or laptop and test the settings.

=== Attendee limit ===

In Meetup, we don't use the attendee limit. In Zoom, we will have a maximum limit of 100 participants. Once 100 people showed up, no one more will can join.

As we allow more people to sign in here, we can give more people the opportunity to participate. We understand this has a downside as well (first come, first serve), but it's worth an experiment, based on our experience with other meetup groups.

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