#53 IT Akademia j-labs
Maciej will describe in details security considerations about various Linux containers projects (especially Docker, Podman/CRI-O/Kubernetes and systemd related). You will understand what are the most non - secure ways of running Docker containers, and how to fix those, a drop - in replacement project for Docker (called Podman) that is already on the market and replacing Docker-engine in RedHat/Google Kubernetes project (Cri-o / Podman) Last, but not least - how not to use any Linux containers when all you need is just a simple separation of some resources over a Linux process (e.g. different storage view or specific users view or networking confinement).
Prelegent: Maciej Lasyk
Maciek is Cloud Operations (aka Cloud Acrobat) at Codewise. He's also open source contributor, enthusiast and evangelist supporting OWASP, Fedora Linux distro and a couple of containerization projects. Maciej believes in chaos engineering and automation - preferably achieved in a most pythonic way. He's a true Linux nerd and a Gopher. You can catch him on Twitter @docent_net and also see his work on github/@docent-net and his personal blog/maciej.lasyk.info. Besides Maciek runs sport blog and podcast/dlugodystansowy.pl"
Po prelekcji zapraszamy wszystkich uczestników na część networkingową, czyli czas na rozmowy, wymianę poglądów, zadawanie pytań oraz nawiązanie nowych kontaktów.