#41 [Rzeszów] Microservice development
Go beyond the hype and build a solid foundation of theory and practice with this workshop on Microservice development. Join us for a one-day deep-dive covering architectural topics like:
- UI decomposition
- Data ownership across the enterprise
You’ll also learn the nitty-gritty details of building production ready Microservices including:
- Fault tolerance – HTTP and Queues
- Reliable integration with 3rd party systems
- Monitoring, High Availability, and versioning
Finally, get some hands-on experience in Microservice development using NServiceBus for building:
- Scalable command-processing endpoints
- Publish/subscribe event-processing interactions
- Long-running multi-stage business processes and policies
Zapraszmy na devWarsztaty z Microservice development (with examples in NServiceBus)!
Nie ma blokowania miejsc. Jeżeli nie wiesz czy będziesz mógł przyjść nie BLOKUJ miejsca. Niestety wiele razy zdarzyło się nam, że część osób nie przyszła na warsztaty lub zwalniała miejsce w dzień warsztatów (!). Nie możemy dopuścić do takich sytuacji, warsztaty mają formę bezpłatną, ale wymagamy w zamian szacunku i zaangażowania. Tym razem będziemy zwracać uwagę na tego typu zagrywki i następnym razem po prostu daną osobę rejestrującą się z miejsca wrzucimy na waiting list.
Please make sure you prepare your machine before your 'Microservice development' workshop, by following the instruction on GitHub page (https://github.com/Particular/Workshop.Microservices/blob/master/README.md).
Your time during the workshop is valuable, and we want to use it for learning, rather than setting up machines.
Used to build various kinds of custom software systems, from banks and airlines to bitcoin exchanges, only to figure out his true passion lies in the stuff that is hidden from user's eyes -- the infrastructure on which the business software runs.
Now, as a software engineer at Particular, the makers of NServiceBus ( https://particular.net/ ), Szymon found his happy place where he focuses on message routing patterns in distributed systems. When tired with coding, Szymon enjoys building remotely controlled Lego all-terrain vehicles.
Tomek is an engineer at Particular Software ( https://particular.net/ ) where he works on building messaging platform for *-service-oriented systems.
He has been building distributed systems for last 10 years both in academia and industry. He is passionate about theory and practice of distributed systems and likes to know why they work, fail and what that actually means in the first place.