#3 JAMstack Wrocław
JAMstack Wrocław Meetup is back!
A lot has happened in the JAMstack ecosystem since our last gathering. Many tools matured, and new emerged. But what's more important: it's no longer a niche approach. We've seen it adopted by many individuals and companies of all sizes, including big enterprises. There's even a whole conference dedicated to JAMstack (https://jamstackconf.com/). It looks like a prime time for static site generators, serverless, logic at CDN edge, etc.
Let's explore the fascinating world of JAMstack and modern web technologies together. Join us on the 20th of February!
Since day one we, wanted the meetup to become a community-owned event. You're more than welcome to present a 15-20 min talk regarding JAMstack and surrounding technologies:
* Real-life case study
* Static site generators
* Content management in JAMstack
* Build tools
* Serverless
* Logic at edge
* Deployment techniques
* Etc.
Please keep in mind that it's a local meetup, not a global TED event. You absolutely don't have to be a trained professional speaker ;-) We all learn.
** Reserve the spot: https://forms.gle/DW6GNvTPkfeLipar5 **
We'll announce the location and the schedule in the nearest future. Save the date and tune in :-)