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#22 REMOTE ProductTank - Product Discovery

#22 REMOTE ProductTank - Product Discovery
Typ wydarzenia:
07.04.2020 (wtorek)

After several discussions (with ourselves in the mirror) we've decided to live-stream a virtual ProductTank Warsaw.

We believe that the lockdown will help to slow down the pandemic and hope that bringing these events to your homes will make your current social situation more fulfilling :) Besides, we can't hold this great topic from you for too long!

SAVE THE DATE! Details on presentations and topic will follow soon.

We will have all the speakers live streamed on the main MindTheProduct YouTube channel. Join us during the live stream, or watch us later at your convenience! However only people who'll be attending live channel will have a chance to ask questions. This is also an opportunity to drink in good company, which definitely beats drinking on your own!

Sign up to MTP YouTube channel right now - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiT1BmYvOBsEvU9iw0076Sw

Or wait for the official link a few days before the event.

Our speakers

1. Michał Reda

Title: "Few tips on how to run your first Product Discovery effectively."

For the last 10 years, Mike has developed a few educational platforms and mobile apps, run a few startups. He also took part in the Product Discovery process and Growth Phase of D2C e-commerce brand related to healthcare and productivity. He is also an instructor at Polish Product Management Academy where he teaches about Product Discovery and Innovation Development. He puts great emphasis on the data-driven, experimental approach, teamwork, and falling in love with the problem you are trying to solve.

2. Greg Prickril

Title: "A Repeatable Practice for Product Discovery at Any Scale”

Greg has spent the last 20 years helping some of the biggest companies in the world deliver better products and solutions by helping them develop a strategic perspective on product development. He worked as a product manager, shipping products at IBM, Microsoft and SAP before opening his own consultancy focused on enterprise product and solution strategy in 2015. Greg is a founder of career.pm, a product management professional development service, providing product managers with the tools they need to advance their careers and increase their strategic impact.

SAVE THE DATE! Details on presentations and topic will follow soon.

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