174. spotkanie WG.NET
## Details
Serdecznie zapraszamy na 174. spotkanie Warszawskiej Grupy .NET, które odbędzie się w murach Wydziału MiNI PW, w sali 328.
## Prezentacja 1
Prelegent: Matthias Koch
Temat: JetBrains Rider - Tips & Tricks & NUKE
Meet the most productive IDE for cross-platform .NET development. Rider is based on JetBrains’ two flagship products – namely IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper. Its multi-process architecture ensures a smooth typing experience. Features from the IDEA front-end include a mature VCS integration, local history support, run configurations, database integration, and thousands of plugins. Commonly known ReSharper features like quick-fixes, navigation, refactorings, and code inspections are also available. Beyond that, Rider includes a powerful debugger, on-the-fly decompilation, an Azure and AWS toolkit, support for SpecFlow and Avalonia, and much more.
Come to this talk to get to know one of the most exciting development tools. Existing users are invited to get their knowledge boosted, to get even more out of their favorite IDE.
NUKE brings your build automation to an even level with every other .NET project. How? It's a regular console application allowing all the OOP goodness! Besides, it solves many common problems in build automation, like parameter injection, path separator abstraction, access to solution and project models, and build step sharing across repositories. To conclude your build revolution, NUKE can generate CI/CD configurations (YAML, etc.) that automatically parallelize build steps on multiple agents to optimize throughput!