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152 spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy .NET

152 spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy .NET
Typ wydarzenia:
.NET , C#
14.01.2025 (wtorek)
Grand Parade part of William Hill
ul. Kotlarska 11
Partner wydarzenia:

UWAGA! Wyjątkowo spotkanie odbędzie się w siedzibie firmy Grand Parade przy ulicy Kotlarskiej 11. Zachęcamy do klikania "Weź udział", aby ułatwić nam organizację. Dziękujemy!

Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie KGD organizowane na żywo. Tym razem wystąpi u nas dwóch prelegentów: Rafał Schmidt oraz Adam Furmanek. Spotkanie odbędzie się w siedzibie firmy Grand Parade, ul. Kotlarska 11.

"Balance between business and technical metrics: how Allegro does system reliability"

Monitoring metrics effectively when working in a large organization is key to maintaining health in the system. While tracking business processes like completed payments or filled forms provides useful insights, it is crucial to understand how reaching critical thresholds translates into real business impacts on product performance. This talk will discuss the strategies for determining component criticality, managing unavailability, and improving SLA reporting. We show how we can balance technical indicators with their business impact in order to provide a holistic view of system reliability and performance.

Rafał Schmidt

I’m a software engineer with hands-on experience in creating web applications and server-side services with a broad knowledge of the Microsoft technology stack including Azure Cloud. I work at Allegro Pay where we build one of the fastest growing FinTech in Poland. I typically spends his spare time on bike trips and books.

"Basics Designs and How We Got Them Wrong"

We want to write clean code and design software that can last years. However, even basic constructs of programming languages are broken. Strings, collections, async, private members, equality checks and many more - all these things are ill-designed and should be reworked. Do you know why and how?

In this talk, we're going to revisit the basics of programming languages. We'll see why our interfaces are wrong, why async shouldn't use coroutines, why we shouldn't encapsulate with private members, or why we should replace strings with something better. We'll see the problems and then consider solutions that lead to better language design and better code quality.

Adam Furmanek

I am Adam Furmanek and I am a professional software engineer with over a decade of experience. In my career I worked with all layers of software engineering and multiple types of applications, including logistics, e-commerce, machine learning, data analysis and database management. I am always interested in digging deeper, exploring machine code and going through implementation details to better understand the internals of the technologies I use every day. That's why I like debugging, decompiling and disassembling the code to understand memory models, concurrency problems and other details hidden deeply inside. In my free time I play ping-pong, watch Woody Allen's movies and blog stuff at http://blog.adamfurmanek.pl

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