147 spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy .NET
Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie KGD organizowane na żywo. Tym razem wystąpi u nas dwóch prelegentów: Rafał Schmidt oraz Adam Furmanek. Spotkanie odbędzie się w Klub Studio, ul. Witolda Budryka 4 · Kraków (dolna sala, wejście po prawej stronie budynku).
"Unlocking the Complexity of Documentation Creation: Perspectives, Challenges, and Criticality in a Large Organization"
Ask any group of engineers what constitutes good documentation, and you're bound to receive a multitude of definitions. The variability of perspectives on this topic is both fascinating and perplexing. Even within a single organization, different groups of documentation recipients may require completely distinct content, perspectives, or explanations.
Recently, I had the privilege of leading a series of workshops aimed at aligning approaches to technical documentation creation. Despite its initial perception as a mundane or well-explored subject, the process continues to be shrouded in controversy and lacks standardized practices. Engaging with engineers, I discovered diverse opinions and a keen awareness of what works well versus what falls short. Recognizing the potential value in these insights, I believe they are worth sharing.
During this presentation, we will delve into the realm of technical documentation creation within the context of a large organization. We will explore the intended audience, the content that demands description, the varying perspectives at play, and the tools employed. Additionally, we will address the challenges we encounter, the mistakes we commonly make, and the criticality of defining documentation requirements accurately.
Join me as we unravel the complexities of technical documentation creation, debunk myths, and uncover truths in the realm of large organizational frameworks
Rafał Schmidt
I’m a software engineer with hands-on experience in creating web applications and server-side services with a broad knowledge of the Microsoft technology stack including Azure Cloud. I work at Allegro Pay where we build one of the fastest growing FinTech in Poland. I typically spends his spare time on bike trips and books
"Testing at scale - how to test when you go globally with a fleet of thousands of machines"
There are multiple types of tests we'd like to run - unit tests, end-to-end tests, manual tests, A/B tests. How should we organize them so they are fast and reliable? What to do if we need to handle GDPR-protected data? How to run those tests when we have thousands of machines handling the traffic? How to rollback?
In this talk we'll see how to build a real-life end-to-end testing pipeline used in biggest companies in the world. We'll start with unit tests running locally in milliseconds, go through correctness tests, regression tests, performance tests, security tests, and finally end with A/B tests proving that our code is not only correct but also provides better experience for the customers. All of that based on experience with desktop, mobile, service, and machine learning domains at biggest companies.
Adam Furmanek
Nazywam się Adam Furmanek i od dekady jestem inżynierem oprogramowania. W swojej karierze zajmowałem się logistyką, e-commercem, analizą danych, uczeniem maszynowym i szeroko rozumianą inżynierią oprogramowania. Zawsze jestem zainteresowany szczegółami technicznymi używanych przeze mnie narzędzi, aby móc lepiej je wykorzystać, debuguję, dekompiluję, deasembluję, analizuję modele pamięci, problemy z wielodostępem i inne ukryte szczegóły implementacji. W wolnym czasie gram na pianinie, jeżdżę na rolkach i bloguję na http://blog.adamfurmanek.pl