#134 Spotkanie TG-NET
- Presentation 1: 18:00 : Michał Michalczuk – How to model your crazy data in TypeScript (EN)
- Presentation 2: 19:00
Michał Michalczuk – "How to model your crazy data in TypeScript" (EN)
Description: TypeScript type system give us great possibilities to model the data and behavior of our application. No matter if it is a client app or a server app in Node.js. It’s getting more and more popular, but most of the time … we’re not using its full power. During my presentation, I will show you some tips how to deal with strange types cases, don’t make a type-mess and unleash the full language potential.
Our data models can be crazy. Sometimes you take a quick look and you already see that if-else to handle it properly. But if you use TypeScript you can handle most of it on the compilation level. I will show you how I’m dealing with strange types cases, how to avoid type-mess in your app, properly use algebraic types and how to benefit from structural type system.
BIO: Strongly web oriented Full-Stack software developer and IT trainer. TypeScript fan and promoter. Sometimes scrum master, architect, team leader, speaker. I believe that teaching others and sharing knowledge makes us better developers. #typescript #angular #node.js #dotnet