#13 [ENG] Scala Native and Nix & Handling large datasets with Redis
It's getting colder, so it's a perfect time to join next iteration of Wrocław Scala User Group in the cozy Wędrówki Pub. The event will be again held in English.
The second talk will mostly concentrate on Redis, though the system is written in Scala, but we hope it will shed some light on what are the real live problems of Scala developers.
Check out the details.
‘Handling Large Data Sets with Redis help: Lessons from a Production-Grade Application‘ - Piotr Kukła
Redis is often seen as a straightforward key-value data store, but its robust data structures make it capable of modeling even complex domains. We leveraged this versatility to cache preprocessed car configuration data — encompassing thousands of specific rule entries — significantly enhancing the speed and scalability of massive SAT solver computations on our on-premises clusters. Join us as we dive into how we designed and implemented an efficient, resilient, and scalable distributed caching layer using Redis.
'Scala Native & Nix - a match made in heaven??‘ - Jakub Kozłowski
Description TBA
Jakub Kozłowski - functional Scala developer, small-time content creator, brainrot enjoyer.
Piotr Kukła - Scala developer at VirtusLab working on an automotive project