109. spotkanie KGD.NET
Zapraszamy na 109. spotkanie Krakowskiej Grupy Developerów .NET.
W nowym, 2018 roku zaczynamy bardzo szybko, bo już 10 stycznia, tuż po święcie Trzech Króli.
Nowy rok więc i nasze spotkanie będzie nieco nowe, inne niż zwyczajnie. Będziemy mieli okazję wysłuchać opowieści programisty, który przeistoczył się w odnoszącego międzynarodową karierę biznesmena oraz posłuchamy wykładu o grafach, bazach grafowych i generalnie o modelowaniu grafowym.
Szymon Warda
Introduction to graph databases (PL lub ENG - sala zdecyduje)
Andrew Sieja
Lessons Learned on a Journey From Developer to Entrepreneur (ENG)
Introduction to graph databases (https://indexoutofrange.com/speaking/cfp/Introduction-to-graph-databases/)
Money laundering, knowledge bases, NLP, game economics, online tracking, product suggestions and twitter. Want to do any of the above? Those all are solved by graphs, and this talk will show how and which database to choose for each problem.
- Szymon Warda (https://indexoutofrange.com/about/)
With .NET from version 1.1 and with web development from the time when IE6 was the “better” browser. Now a lead engineer at EcoVadis playing with machine learning, cloud, and big data by day. By night a developer of cookit.pl- a pet project processing hundred of gigabytes of data with whatever suits the problem best (Graph databases/ML/C#/F#). Technology enthusiast, Neo4j ambassador, speaker, and a blogger at IndexOutOfRange.com
Lessons Learned on a Journey From Developer to Entrepreneur
Can software developers be successful entrepreneurs? Yes, if they understand the importance of staying true to the vision of the product rather than solely executing on a code. Experienced developer-turned-entrepreneur Andrew Sieja, who is also a founder and CEO of Relativity, will discuss what it takes to find a niche, grow it with grit, and make it yours while putting a geek mindset into action. During his presentation, he will share key lessons he learned on his journey of disrupting one of the most conservative industries with the power of great software and people behind it. His passion for building a product, where problem-solving comes first, and delivering relentless customer service empowered his team to build a platform that helps lawyers all around the world organize complex data and discover the true story behind it.
- Andrew Sieja
Andrew Sieja is the CEO of Relativity. He founded it as a software consultancy in February 2001 and successfully pivoted it into a fast-growing enterprise software company in 2007. Andrew loves technology, is a computer programmer by trade, and prior to starting Relativity has worked as a technologist for a variety of multi-nationals and consulting firms. As CEO, Andrew has five key goals for Relativity: offer a great product, provide relentless customer support, ensure team members love their jobs, positively impact the community, and grow to be a great software company.