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BCG Platinion - Kobiecy Program Mentoringowy

Added: Over a month ago

Key information

Type: Other
Level: apprenticeship / internship

Benefity dla pracowników

  • No-worries package: You get excellent insurance polices for illness, retirement, and beyond.
  • Relax and stay healthy: Your health has top priority. That’s why we offer massage treatments, medical checkups, special contracts for gyms, as well as drinks, fruit, and coffee.
  • Take a break: Take a leave of absence on a regular basis, plus we always try to find individual solutions for balancing work with your private life.
Integration budget
  • Office lunch and networking: We invite you to participate in our office lunches on Fridays to get in touch with colleagues from other projects.
Event budget
  • Social off-site activities: To nurture our unique corporate culture and team spirit, we arrange relaxed get-togethers.
Development budget
  • Extensive training pathway: Our internally developed Career Trail offers you programs ranging from onboarding measures and language courses to Dale Carnegie Training®, GTD by David Allen, and TMS workshops.
Additional benefits
  • Being mobile: Our attractive mobility program, including lease car, carsharing, or biking, may be used by those who work on-site at the client.
  • High-end equipment and support: We provide you with the latest technical equipment and professional back-office support, which makes your daily life a lot easier.
  • Discounts and special offers: Benefit from several local discounts and special arrangements, e. g., shopping, cosmetics/ beauty treatments, and gym contracts.
Jeśli świat technologii to Twoja pasja, interesuje Cię doradztwo strategiczne, jesteś studentką ostatniego roku lub ukończyłaś studia wyższe i zastanawiasz się jak poprowadzić swoją ścieżkę zawodową, dobrze trafiłaś:)


Właśnie rusza proces aplikacyjny do Programu Mentoringowego dla Kobiet w BCG Platinion Polska! Jako mentee, w ciągu dwóch miesięcy zdobędziesz spojrzenie na prace w doradztwie strategicznym w zakresie technologii, odbędziesz trzy merytoryczne spotkania mentorskie oraz cztery spotkania grupowe.


Aplikuj ze swoim CV do 9 kwietnia 2023 roku -> https://bcgplatinion.com/female-talent-mentoring-program/pl/

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