Wrocław TypeScript #8: The One with Everything
TypeScript 3.7 is so big it should have its own meetup group. Let's dissect the upcoming features together.
Evan Seaward: Dive into Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing
After entering stage 3 of proposal Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing has arrived in TypeScript 3.7, let's have a deep dive into these new features and explore how this will improve your code.
About Evan:
Senior Front-end Aussie developer working at Fox Heap here in Wrocław, currently developing in React and Typescript.
- https://twitter.com/seawardevan
Aleksandra Sikora: Persistent data structures thanks to recursive type aliases
(Description TBA)
About Aleksandra:
Full-stack developer at Ingrid. Working with Go and TypeScript. Interested in functional programming.
- https://twitter.com/aleksandrasays
Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz: Power of Preconditions: Why assertion signatures are huge for me
TypeScript 3.7 brings us an amazing tool to concisely write preconditions that can't be described in a function signature. With assertion signatures we can get rid of these ugly "if (not cool) throw new Error("totally not cool")" blocks.
We're gonna talk about partial and total functions, returning vs throwing errors and I'll show you how assertion signatures make my React code safer.
About Piotr:
I write stupid stuff fast and I trust that the type system will protect me from myself.
- https://twitter.com/hasparus