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Tech Leaders VI

Tech Leaders VI
Event type:
IT , Startup , UX
15.01.2021 (friday)
Polish , English

Mentoring support for women in the IT industry - the 6th edition of Tech Leaders is launching!

Tech Leaders is a four-month free mentoring program initiated by the Women in Technology Association. It is aimed at women who want to develop their competences and skills in programming, user experience, artificial intelligence, project management or running a business. To apply, just fill out the form on techleaders.eu website.

Any woman can apply to participate in Tech Leaders! What matters is enthusiasm, willingness to learn and develop. Participants are given the opportunity to cooperate individually with a mentor of their choice, indicated at the recruitment stage. Then the mentors from the submitted applications select a mentee with whom they will work. “At this point mentoring is the most effective form of learning and most importantly, it benefits both cooperating parties; mentee develops its potential using the mentor's experience, and mentor feels satisfaction, prestige and stimulates his creativity. And the whole process is built on trust and relationship”, explains Judyta Wolak from the Women in Technology Poland Association.

The popularity and rapid development of the Tech Leaders program well illustrate the power of the IT environment, its effectiveness and readiness to share knowledge. Over 250 participants took part in previous editions. The huge number of incoming applications shows that many women appreciate and understand perfectly the unique development opportunities offered by the model of one-to-one expert consultations. Although it seems less obvious, the program is also very popular among mentors who are willing to share their experience and knowledge supporting the progress of the participants.

You can apply to Tech Leaders until January 15, 2021 by completing the form on the website http://techleaders.eu. The 6th edition of the program will launch on February 1 and will last until May 31, 2021.

The organizer of the Tech Leaders program is the Women in Technology Poland Association, which brings together women around IT and new technologies. The aim of the organization is to increase the professional competences of women, strengthen them in leadership roles and promote the idea of ​​diversity.

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