.NET Talk by EPAM, Katowice
18:00 – Registration
18:15 – Single Sign-On using Azure Active Directory - Łukasz Fliegel
19:00 – Coffee & Snacks Break
19:15 – GDPR in software development, practical aspects - Arkadiusz Kocjan
20:00 – Quiz & Networking
As EPAM we want to share technical knowledge with developers and for developers to engage more with .NET enthusiasts in Katowice, give back, learn, and through that grow. Check out below what awaits you and don’t hesitate to sign up today!
WHEN: 18:00, January 23
WHERE: Drzwi zwane koniem, ul. Warszawska 37, 40-010 Katowice
REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY: https://events.epam.com/events/net-talk-by-epam-katowice
Single Sign-On using Azure Active Directory - Łukasz Fliegel
Do you have multiple applications that are being used by the same users? Use Azure Active Directory as your identity provider and implement SSO. On this tech talk, I’ll show how easy it is to connect to AAD using multiple applications.
GDPR in software development, practical aspects - Arkadiusz Kocjan
Do you keep personal data in your system? Do you have production data in a test environment? Is it GDPR compliant? Let’s see how we can design our systems to handle GDPR complexity with ease. We will talk about personal data lifecycle in a typical application and dev environment. I will present a couple of ideas on how to design app storage and access layer to be more flexible and decoupled from the type of underlying data.