IT Talk: JS: Elm in Typescript & Apollo GraphQL
The language of the presentation is English.
Let’s meet online and talk about JS this time! Maciej Sikora & Vyacheslav Shevchenko will share their knowledge about Elm in Typescript and Apollo GraphQL.
Title: ”Elm in Typescript, pattern matching and beyond”
Elm is a purely functional statically typed language compiled to JS. Among other great features of Elm, there are two outstanding core ones – Sum types and Pattern matching. Pattern matching in Elm allows pattern match over one, many or nested sum types with full type safety. The talk will be about how much from Elm can be replicated in TypeScript, we will go through exhaustive switch statement, making sums by disjoint unions, and finally we will try to replicate pattern matching by advanced type trickery with mapped, conditional, and even template literal types.
About the Speaker:
Maciej Sikora – an old-timer, has worked in many stacks and languages in the backend, frontend, and mobile. Currently working as a full-stack developer where he switches between Python and Typescript.
Title: “Should I use Apollo GraphQL in my application?”’
I had the possibility of working on different projects and with various technologies including Apollo GraphQL. In this presentation, I would like to share some thoughts about the use of GraphQL in various projects and discuss some possible difficulties that developers may face during the development process. This may help to decide whether to use Apollo in projects or not.
About the speaker:
Vyacheslav Shevchenko is a software developer who has been working with a lot of frameworks and libraries. He has been involved in development & building applications from scratch using React, Angular, different state management systems, and other libraries.