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IT Akademia j-labs | Jarosław Pałka: Mutants, Xenomorphs and Bytecode

IT Akademia j-labs | Jarosław Pałka: Mutants, Xenomorphs and Bytecode
Event type:
06.06.2017 (tuesday)
Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,
ul. Łojasiewicza 11, sala A1-06
IT Akademia j-labs w Krakowie - w czerwcu będziemy gościć Jarosława Pałkę.

Temat: Mutants, Xenomorphs and Bytecode

0: getstatic #2
3: ldc #3
5: invokevirtual #4
8: return

 If these things don't mean anything to you, but at the same time you have this strange feeling deep inside you, that you should know it by heart, come to this talk. Do you want to understand how component scan works in Spring? What nasty things does Hibernate do to your lovely entity classes? And how does AspectJ work underneath? If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", you should feel welcome to the journey through bytecode, stacks, local variable tables and class file format. I am going to unveil some of the JVM bytecode fundamentals, explain how everything works and why some things seem weird as well as to present a few tools that allow you to play with bytecode in a warmth of your desk. I promise not to hurt any animal during my presentation, except ASM, ByteBuddy and Byteman. And yes, I did it a few times in production, for better good of humanity.

Prelegent: Jarosław Pałka In the IT industry for more than 15 years, as a database administrator, programmer, architect, manager. Took part in small, medium and huge projects executed in the waterfall model, pursuant to Agile methods or without any methodology. In the meantime he allowed himself to be swept off his feet by TDD and Software Craftmanship concepts, took REST and NoSQL ideas, discover the secrets of "system thinking”. Follower of the JVM faith, researcher of bytecode, JIT and all sorts of parsers, interpreters and compliers. Values speaker of all-Poland IT conferences.

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Prosimy o potwierdzenie obecności za pośrednictwem serwisu evenea: https://itakademiakrakow062017.evenea.pl/ lub na meetup: https://www.meetup.com/ITAkademiaj-labsKrakow/ poprzez RSVP. Zapraszamy!

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