Inaugural Meetup WiMLDS Kyiv, jointly with Paris & Poznań
- 18:00 Welcome
- 18:10 Introduction by WiMLDS Kyiv
- 18:20 Introductions by WiMLDS Paris and WiMLDS Poznań
- 18:30 Iana Iatsun - Machine learning in production: from data-scientist to the final user, Project Manager for Applications with Artificial Intelligence at Banque de France
Machine learning models are used more and more often in all spheres of the business world. Their creation is a challenge for data-scientists, however their integration in the final application is a challenge of the whole IT-team. ML models use the historical data that can be obsolete very fast. That’s why it is of paramount importance to be able to follow-up the ML models in production and ensure their easy deployment on a big scale.
- 19:00 Khrystyna Grynko - My journey from Marketing to Tech, Cloud Customer Engineer at Google
The talk will focus on how I got to a tech position at Google after working for a marketing agency; what were the challenges; and how I "learned to learn" in order to prepare myself for the interviews.
- 19:30 Anastasiia Tryputen - War in Ukraine or how extraordinary courage reshapes geopolitical landscape, Co-founder and CTO of Data unBlocked Inc. and Myriad Tech Inc
This presentation will explain the role of Ukraine in Europe and internationally: why Ukraine matters, essential statistics and successes, will walk through the development of the full-scale war and how heroism of every Ukrainian inside and outside of the country gained support of average people and official governments. It will show various impacts of the war and try to quantify the business scene and changes to it since the end of February 2022. Additionally, it will provide a quick suggestion on how machine learning can support the victory and future economy boost.
- 20:00 Q&A and Conclusions
All genders are welcome to attend.
A Zoom link will be sent prior to the meetup.
This time we have prepared a very special online meetup - a joint event with WiMLDS chapter in Kyiv (Ukraine) and WiMLDS Paris (France) to celebrate first meetup by Ukrainian WiMLDS community!
During the event, you can share content using #WiMLDSParis, @WiMLDS_Paris & @WiMLDS_Poznan
After the meet-up, all the slides will be available on our Medium page :
Online meetup information :
WiMLDS is strongly inviting you to read our guidelines about organizing pleasant and successful online meet-ups :
Code of Conduct
WiMLDS is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate.
Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down others. Behave professionally. Remember that harassment and sexist, racist, or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate.
Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, friendly community for all.