Dragon Valley Tech Talks & CookPad #2 Android | iOS | Ruby Warsaw
dotLinkers and CookPad invite you to participate in a great event, where highly experienced speakers will present their approach to developing apps. During this event, they will present their ways of developing a product to make it interesting and fun to use.
We would love to meet Ruby, Android, and iOS developers, to share the latest news and technologies. If you are creative developer/engineer don’t hesitate to join this meetup.
Meet our speakers:
- Miles Woodroffe – CTO @ CookPad with 15 years of experience in developing startups and scaling companies. He likes to work in small and smart teams, to produce web apps. To know him better you must know that few years earlier he was developing his music career touring with Joe Strumer, Ray Charles and Bob Dylan.
Mile’s talk is Fun with an Amazon Echo, Ruby and Recipes
Voice interfaces open up so many interesting possibilities and in this talk he will show you how to very quickly build and deploy a useful "skill" with Ruby, and at the same time, make sure you hopefully don't burn the dinner.
- Harry Jordan - Harry is a highly experienced iOS developer with over 5 years writing apps. He has a breadth of skills which bridge design and development, with a particular focus on creating apps with intuitive and engaging interactions.
Harry will talk about the process of building a photo editor for the global Cookpad iOS app. He will cover the technical and design lessons learned, and more generally about how to approach a task that requires original research and development.
- Paweł Rusin - Tokyo based iOS developer in CookPad. Passionate about machine learning and AI. Recently also into Haskell and functional programming.
Topic: TBD
- Radosław Piekarz - Head of Mobile at Talixo and Android developer for the last 8 years. Big fan of reactive programming and design patterns.
Radek’s talk is Our way to the clean architecture
This talk is about the clean architecture and experiences with introducing it into the Talixo Android apps. Radek will explain why his team decided to refactor their current MVP/MVVM based codebase, what kind of problems they faced and how they have solved them using Kotlin, reactive programming, and Android Architecture Components.