DevOps Tech Talks
- 17:30 Registration pizza & drinks
- 18:00 Presentations
- The evolution from DevOps Team to DevOps Culture
- Good practices, bad practices, worst practices – DevOps A.D. 2019
- 19:30 Networking & drinks
Join our meetup to learn about the evolution of DevOps and to have a beer with other like-minded people.
Please note that the event will be held in Polish.
The evolution from DevOps Team to DevOps Culture
Radosław Lisowski, Software Engineer at Schibsted Polska
DevOps is a quite controversial term which sometimes is misused. Even though the overall idea of “DevOps” is great, we can see that Ops and Infrastructure part of it has taken over this area. The issue is that Ops and Infrastructure is just the beginning of the “DevOps journey”. Let me take you to the journey of my team evolving from DevOps(team)-dependent to DevOps-cultured-team.
Good practices, bad practices, worst practices – DevOps A.D. 2019
Kacper Dąbrowski and Piotr Kuśnierzowski, Software Engineers at SingleBit
What have we learned as engineers over the last decade? What mistakes have we made in our DevOps activities? Are words such as “monolith” are still hard to swallow, and is the microservice paradigm seems the only right one? Does Kubernetes solve every problem, and if so, how and why?
We’re looking forward to meeting you!