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AI Synergy

AI Synergy
Typ wydarzenia:
14.11.2024 (czwartek) - 15.11.2024 (piątek)
Przy Rondzie 4

AI Synergy: Building Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems and Implementing Language Models

Connect with fellow professionals at the ABB Meetup on November 14th at the ABB Axis Office in Kraków!

Join us to explore the future of enterprise AI through multi-agent systems, where multiple AI agents collaborate to achieve complex goals with minimal human oversight. We'll also dive into practical strategies for implementing language models in businesses, sharing real-world challenges and solutions to ensure successful integration.

1. Matthew Gladden - Multi-agent AI: Building your business’s bot family

The lonely chatbot agent is becoming a thing of the past: the world of enterprise AI is now evolving rapidly in the direction of the “multi-agent” system, in which many AI agents are created with unique abilities, roles, and even “personalities” – and then let loose to create their own community hierarchy, divide up work among themselves, and collaborate to achieve overall goals, with little or no human oversight. How do we create such multi-agent systems? What benefits can they deliver for businesses? And what problems and risks are inherent in the use of such AI? These are the topics that we’ll explore.

About Matthew - A Product Owner focusing on R&D for analytics and AI in ABB Motion Services, with experience ranging from the use of machine learning for predicting motor failures to building Generative AI solutions to leverage inaccessible data and enhance experts’ workflows. Author of numerous articles and books on the organizational and societal implications of increasingly sophisticated forms of AI. Also a longtime computer game developer.

2. Maciej Kolomycki - How to Implement Language Models in a Company from a Practitioner's Perspective

During this presentation, I will share insights on how to start the journey of implementing language models (LLM) in a company. I will discuss some of the challenges we encountered along the way and how we successfully addressed them. Additionally, I will provide practical tips and strategies to ensure smooth implementation and integration of LLMs.

About Maciej - An experienced AI specialist with over 7 years of experience in developing and implementing artificial intelligence solutions, AI team leader at ABB, and lecturer at the Cracow University of Technology.

Event Details:

Date: November 14th, 2024

Time: 5:45 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: ABB Axis Office, ul. Przy Rondzie 4, Kraków

Refreshments: Salty and sweet snacks

Please RSVP and save the date!

Please share this link with friends and on social media!

Please arrive on time, we have to manage the reception on the ground floor.

Let's connect and discuss the latest trends and challenges together.

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