#5 Tech Bytes Kraków: The right tools (#scala, #elixir) for the right job
18:00 - Grab a drink and take a seat
18:10 - Intro
18:20 - 18:50
Speaker: Michał Pawlik, Staff Software Engineer at Ocado Technology
Topic: Get rid of boilerplate with Scala
About: Writing boilerplate code can be boring and make the code difficult to read, especially during the code review. Some languages are more verbose than others. Scala is one of the languages that are designed for brevity.
In this talk I’ll introduce some of the language design choices that made the language less verbose, yet very expressive and clean when used the right way. We’ll go through some of the type system features like type inference and refinement types as well as language features like case classes and pattern matching.
18:50 - 19:20
Speakers: Józef Pawlikowski - Business Development Manager & Alexander Sosnovskiy - Senior Software Engineer at Elixirator
Topic: What is Elixir and what it can do with concurrency challenges? - sharing Elixirator insights
About: Our guests from Elixirator will bring some examples of programming in one of the youngest and yet unknown languages - Elixir. Józef Pawlikowski - will introduce Elixir to us and share some application examples and Alexander Sosnovskiy will share case study from his experience of making concurrency process in chat server with Elixir for more than million TCP connections per node. There will be some business cases based on Discord, WhatsApp or Pepsi.
See you soon!
[in-person event]
With great pleasure, we would like to invite you to the meetup #5 in the Tech Bytes @Ocado Technology series. This time we're going to talk about using the right tools (in this case: programming languages such as #Scala and #Elixir) to solve specific problems. The talks will be based on case study(ies) from experience of the teams of experts from Ocado Technology and Elixirator.
Main organisational information:
- We’ll start at 18:00 at our office, located on Pawia 21 Street, next to the Main Train Station.
- There will be a registration before the event at ground level.
- Meet-up will be organised in our event space on the 4th floor!
Don't miss it: come and be inspired by lectures from our speakers, lasting 30-40 minutes each. See you there?