#136 TG-NET Meeting
- Presentation 1: 18:00 : Kamil Hadas & Jarosław Krefta – From On-promise to the cloud, Our journey.
- Presentation 2: 19:00 : Adam Sitnik - Fast File IO with .NET 6
Presentation 1: 18:00 : Kamil Hadas & Jarosław Krefta – From On-promise to the cloud, Our journey.
Description: From on-promise installation per client to SaaS on cloud solution. How we did it? What problems did we have? What is the setup of cloud architecture? We will try to answer all of those questions.
Kamil Hadas
I’m a full stack dev working in Volue, Energy division.
Hobbies: Powerlifting, Sci-fi (books and movies) some random things which require creativity.
Jarosław Krefta
I`m a Software Engineering equivalent of “jack of all trades and master of none”. Over my carrier, I have learned and worked with a wide variety of languages, tools and techniques. I enjoy learning new things and constantly search for something fresh to work with. I started as Electrical Automation Engineer designing elevator logic. After a year of “solving elevators” I literally got bored and switched to Software Engineering. Now tinkering with VR.
Hobbies: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master, Fiction Writer, Bushcraft, Psychology, Game Dev, VR, Reading
Presentation 2: 19:00 : Adam Sitnik - Fast File IO with .NET 6
Description: For .NET 6, File IO was almost completely re-written. It's up to few times faster and also more reliable. In his talk, Adam is going to describe what was changed, why, and what new APIs were introduced. Last, but not least he's going to speak about how to get the best possible performance when working with files in .NET.
BIO: My name is Adam Sitnik. I am a Software Engineer focused on .NET performance and reliability.
I believe strongly in open source. I contribute to few open source projects: BenchmarkDotNet, dotnet/performance, corefx, coreclr, corefxlab and the awesome .NET Performance list. This blog is also open source.
I have spent much of my professional life working on systems for energy producers and distributors. It included projects such as energy trading, production optimization, balance settlement and critical events detection. So far no blackouts!
I currently work for the .NET Team at Microsoft where I work on making the .NET Framework the fastest developer platform on the planet.
I am also an ex-MMA practitioner, AFOL, rabbit owner and a huge star wars fan.
Thank you very much our sponsors:
- EPAM: Conference room for our Group
- Volue: Meetup subscription