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10th Wolves Summit
10th Wolves Summit
Event type:
23.10.2019 (wednesday)
- 24.10.2019 (thursday)
Polish , English
Pałac Kultury i Nauki
Plac Defilad 1
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- 10:00-10:20 Opening Ceremony
- 10:20-10:50 Warsaw Booster 2019 Awards Ceremony
- 10:50-11:20 The changing face of CEE - Angus Kidd - International Development Advisor, Wolves Summit - Martin Ring - Strategic Director, Wolves Summit - Ludwik Sobolewski - CEO, Emerging Europe Marketplace
- 11:20-11:50 Investors panel - Innovation: don't be afraid! - Lawrence Barclay - Managing Director, Mantaray VC
- 11:50-12:10 Building the strong connection with an investor
- 12:10-12:40 Acceleration panel: the best European strategies
- 12:40-13:10 Corporate & environmental responsibility
- 13:10-13:30 Grand challenges of the modern corporations
- 13:30-13:50 The origin of idea
- 13:50-14:10 VC - Startup fireside chat: How to prepare for the exit?
- 14:10-14:35 The power of digital image
- 14:35-15:15 CEE Accelerators Summit: How to build Unicorns in CEE - powered by MITEF CEE
- 15:15-15:35 CEE Accelerators Summit: Current challenges and future development for innovation ecosystem in CEE - powered by MITEF CEE
- 15:35-16:00 CEE Accelerators Summit: Go global CEE, what do we need? - powered by MITEF
- 16:00-16:30 CEE Accelerators Summit: Exploring the potential of the CEE region innovativeness and commercialization success - powered by MITEF
- 16:30-16:50 Startup landscape in CEE
- 16:50-17:20 Businesses reflecting the global change
- 10:20-10:50 The Future of AI & Machine learning - Paweł Grzybowski - COO, Algolytics
- 10:50-11:10 Powering the Digital Economy
- 11:10-11:40 The early days: inspiration - Max Moldenhauer - Founding Partner, Sunfish Partners
- 11:40-12:20 Mindful businesses in the digital age
- 12:20-12:50 Public funds: discussion
- 12:50-13:30 Acceleration Panel: Business Boost
- 13:30-13:45 The art of learning from failure
- 13:45-14:10 The future of medicine - Magdalena Świątkowska - COO, SiDLY Healthcare, Marcin Fiedziukiewicz - CEO, Tourmedica
- 14:10-14:50 Investors panel
- 14:50-15:00 PFR Ventures Report
- 15:00-15:40 Corpo - Startup fireside chat: Are we business ready?
- 15:40-16:10 Empowered user: who rules over your business?
- 16:10-17:10 The Great Pitch Final
- 17:10-17:30 Mentoring: finding "the one"
- 17:30-17:35 Opening Word - Award Ceremony - Michał Olszewski - Deputy Major, Capital City of Warsaw
- 17:35-18:05 The Great Pitch Award Ceremony, Closing Ceremony
Dziesiąta edycja Wolves Summit wraca do Warszawy! Według uczestników konferencja jest najskuteczniejszym w Europie międzynarodowym wydarzeniem skupionym na wartościowym networkingu. Łączymy obiecujące startupy, firmy technologiczne, inwestorów i korporacje, które chcą wspierać globalne innowacje. Nie wierz nam na słowo. Dołącz do +1500 uczestników i sprawdź sam i osiągnij swoje cele biznesowe podczas +3000 zaplanowanych wcześniej spotkań 1:1!