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Venture Café Thursday Gathering

WHY: Our mission is connecting innovators to make things happen! Innovations are not created in isolation and their implementation requires social trust. Face-to-face interaction is the key to opening Warsaw's potential and to connecting forces of over 750+ organizations dealing with the innovation sector in Warsaw.

WHAT: The Thursday Gathering event is the platform for innovators - a central innovation community event in Warsaw organized with passion by Venture Cafe Foundation and the community. Participation is free and open to all members of the innovation community who have ideas, talent, resources and passion to engage and contribute.

HOW: Between May 2019 and April 2020, on each last Thursday of the month, hundreds of amazing innovators and curious doers from Warsaw’s community will gather to enjoy, connect, engage and learn from each other.
From May 2020, we are starting a weekly program and we will be meeting at District Hall Warsaw.