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Welcome to Sphere.it – a unique platform for the tech community devoted to sharing the best IT content. Here you can find videos, events and articles focused on state-of-the-art technologies and solutions to everyday devs’ challenges.

We have been evolving Sphere.it since 2015 to help the IT community to learn, share & connect. Starting with small stationary events, due to the huge interest we turned them into a large annual conference covering the most important issues from the industry. The global pandemic made us move online with a series of free micro.sphere.it sessions. They covered up-to-date production system issues from different tech areas.

From 2021 Sphere.it is one knowledge-base platform that at the same time collects our best IT talks, as well as hosts new ones. Our goal is to enable our audience to grow through the unique and top-class content curated for them in one place.

Past events:

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