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Kraków Analytics is Influence Group

Ever used a navigation system? It's a smooth interaction most times, isn't it? The navigator tells you where to go, which turns to take, where to stop, how to avoid heavy traffic. The navigator _influences_ your driving decisions and enables you to go where you need to go easily and usually more quickly.

This is the true power of Analytics. Not the canned reports. Not the dashboards. Not the ad hoc excel analysis. The true power of analytics is to help you navigate the infinite possibilities of the decisions you could take. Analytics is an aid and servant, not an informant.

OK so enough with the marketing speech. What events to expect from this group? Python and automation + real life scenarios of analytics applied to the business. It will always be a blend of technology done the right way (i.e. VBA is banned here) and ties to the final business outcomes.

And if you are wondering, all skill levels are welcome.