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Fresh Talk

Fresh Talks are regular morning tech talks combined with a healthy, fruity breakfast. We start at 8:30 (seriously).

5 ruiles to tell you what\'s it all about:

1. It\'s a morning meeting. We start eating at 8:30 and the presentation kicks off at 8:40,
2. It\'s technical. We\'ll include some business/project management talks every now and then, but when it doubt, check rule #2,
3. No cake policy. You can count on yoghurt, musli and fruit,
4. We do it to learn from each other. 30 min-long presentation (slides are not required), then Q&A and problem solving,
5. KoalaMetrics and Sigmapoint teams will be there because we organise it and it is where we hang out on Wednesdays. Feel free to join us but please, let us know in advance,